
To reach Rich:

You can reach me by email using this contact form. Please make sure you enter an accurate and valid email address or I won’t be able to reply. If you use this form to email me and also send an email directly from your own email account to, I will only answer one of the emails and discard the other as both go to the same email inbox.

Please check your email address before submitting your inquiry - if there’s a typo, I won’t be able to respond!


Social Media

Subscribe to the Redpants YouTube channel so you know when I upload new videos! They contain a ton of information so they’re usually worth watching.

I have Redpants accounts on Facebook and Instagram but I rarely use them. I haven’t shut them down just so I can maintain the digital footprint, and I encourage you to like and follow them to support Redpants. But please don’t message me on those platforms because I probably won’t see it anytime soon.

Email is the best way to contact me.