The information provided here is for general guidance purposes only. It is a combination of manufacturer guidance, input from technicians and engineers, first- and second-hand experience, and personal opinion. It may me inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated.
Below are the articles I’ve written about Aston Martin things. I’ve got a ton of of these things and I’ll keep adding more to this list as I edit and upload them. I keep an “updates” log to let people know what new things have been added to my website (and what’s going on in general) and list them out in my Blog, so make sure you check in with that if you want to stay updated.
A Bit About Braking
I have a ton of info about braking on Redpants, but the topic of brake squeal is still one of the most common things that comes up. So, here’s an Article that’s straight to the point about the brake squeal so many Aston Martin owners complain about, and how to fix it.
An Entirely Biased Review
BC Racing coilovers have proven to be a very popular choice for the Aston Martin V8 Vantage and I fully agree and understand way - I helped design them, after all. Here’s some information about them in case you want a set for yourself.
Blow It Out Your Tailpipe
The exhaust system on my grey 2007 V8 Vantage has undergone a few changes during its life. The most recent one is a bit of an odd choice, but I’ve done it for a specific reason. Here’s the story about the changes, including why I “willingly” made my car quiet.
Difficulty Getting It Up [and Running]
My embarrassing struggle with getting things started required some testing, diagnostics, and other repairs. Eventually I got it sorted with the help of a little blue… valve. Here’s the full story about what happened.
Don’t Breathe the Oil Vapors
This article is about a primary source of the excess oil that can get into the intake manifold of the engine, which led me to develop my Oil Catch Can Kit which was the very beginning of Redpants.
Frankenstein’s Unicorn
Well, this is just silly. I got my hands on one of the first fifteen N24 engines, had it rebuilt to higher specs by its legendary original builder, and then… I supercharged it.
Good Rubber Keeps You Safe
Tires are one of the most critical components of your car for both safety and performance, but they’re something that often aren’t appreciated as much as they should be. This article is about what to look for in a tire, and how to pick the right ones.
Liquid [Fool’s] Gold
Engine oil is an incredibly important thing so you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right stuff. But what exactly is the “right” one? Well, you’ve got options. This Article discusses one of the most common maintenance questions I get.
My 2007 V8 Vantage’s Reliability
I first made a video and wrote this Article about this topic during a major overhaul project in early 2022, but I’ll keep it updated as something of an on-going journal for reliability-related issues I’ve had with my car.
Put Some Dubs on It (or Don’t)
Want to put some wheels on your Aston Martin but aren’t sure how to pick them out, what sizes to use, or why? Here’s a rather opinionated article where I share my thoughts on the topic.
Seats Aren’t That Simple
Want to put aftermarket seats in your Aston Martin? So did I, and then I did! Choosing the right seat isn’t also a simple matter, though, so here’s what I went through and the considerations I took into account to get it right.
Seize the Day, Not the Oil Filter
A customer asked me for advice and sent me this picture. It’s a gnarly picture indeed, but don’t fret - it’s entirely preventable. This Article discusses what likely happened and how to prevent it from happening at all.
Stranded on the Side of the Road
My 2007 V8 Vantage had been incredibly reliable despite everything I’d put it through, until it finally had enough. A couple years later, it happened again. This is the story of how I lost control of my transmission, why it happened, and how I fixed it.
That Time My Fuel Gauge Went Binary
It was an incredibly beautiful day in the DMV when, suddenly, my fuel gauge was on empty. Knowing I should have plenty of gas in the tank, my immediate concern was massive spillage. Here’s what happened.
The Trunk Cubby You Should Know About
There’s a small cubby in the trunk of an Aston Martin that contains a few important things you may end up needing. This Article goes over them.
Wheel Inspiration Guide
Interested in a set of wheels and want some ideas for what to get? Here are some of the wheels Redpants has done so you can see what they actually look like on cars!
Y’all, I Fucked Up
This isn’t so much of an article as it is a story. What started off as a simple bit of maintenance and repairs turned into a sticky situation because I didn’t look before I leapt. Thank goodness for cool people.