The information provided here is for general guidance purposes only. It is a combination of manufacturer guidance, first- and second-hand experience, and personal opinion. It may me inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated.
This section is for information about Aston Martin vehicles and automotive topics relating to them. If you’re looking for information about Redpants itself, please check the About page.
The first section is for topics about buying and ownership. Since the Aston Martin owners community is such a big part of why I love the brand, I’ve included a page for the Aston Martin Owners Club (AMOC) in this section as well.
The second section is about specific vehicle systems like brakes, exhausts, and transmissions. Each of these Information Pages breaks down the system it covers to give information about the components of that system, potential issues, and options for modifications.
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Buying and Ownership
This section contains links to my Information Pages that cover the buying, maintenance, and ownership in general.
I used the Blog section of the original Redpants website to share stories, thoughts, and other information that I thought would be interesting for other Aston Martin owners. To better organize this new website, I’ve rehashed those blog posts into Articles.
Gaydon-era Aston Martin Buyers’ Guide
Where it all begins… buying an Aston Martin. There’s a lot to know about these cars and trying to figure out where to begin is a bit daunting, so I created this Buyers’ Guide to help out.
Gaydon-era Aston Martin Maintenance Guide
Whether you’re in the market for an Aston Martin or already own one, you’ll need to know how to maintain it. This Maintenance Guide goes over factory service guidelines as well as additional input from myself and other Aston Martin gurus.
There’s a bunch of terminology, jargon, and acronyms used throughout this website and in conversation in general. Check out this Information Page if you want some help clarifying what’s being said.
Oh yes, dear current and future owners, I have a troubleshooting guide. It’ll be an ongoing project to build this out so check back regularly to see how it’s coming along. Or, you know, whenever you’re trying to troubleshoot an issue.

Vehicle Systems
This section contains links to my Information Pages about vehicle systems or other topics related to the cars themselves.
Brake System Information
Brake systems are a common topic of discussion with Aston Martin owners, often because they’re unhappy with them. This Information Page goes over the various braking systems used on Gaydon-era Aston Martins, some of the issues that plague owners, and potential solutions to those problems.
Exhaust System Information
Many people immediately turn to the exhaust system when modifying a car - that’s true of any car, not just an Aston Martin. It’s a common thing to do with these cars, but you’ll need to know a few things before you start buying parts. This Information Page will go over each section of the exhaust so you know what to expect.
Front Grilles Information
One of the most defining and iconic parts of an Aston Martin is its front grille. This Information Page goes over the various options available and the differences between them.
Infotainment System Information
Often the sore spot in an Aston Martin, the infotainment system ranges from adequate to lackluster for most people, and even rates as terrible for some. It’s an important thing to understand if you want to get an Aston Martin so check out this Information Page to get an idea of what it’s like.
Intake System Information
A fundamental part of the car and critical to the engine being able to make power is the intake system. Whether it’s maintenance or modification, this Information Page will go over each component and explain how they differ from car to car as well as some important warnings if you decide to modify them.
Lighting Information
Headlights, tail lights, exterior lighting, and things to know about them. Might seem silly, but if you’re in the market for an Aston Martin, you’ll want to know this stuff.
Throttle Response Information
Lots of “common” info for any car, but boiled down to be relevant specifically for our Aston Martins - grab a bottle to top off while reading this, it’s a long one!
Transmission Information
Often called the weakest part of an Aston Martin, there’s a lot to know about transmissions if you want to buy one of these cars. The manual, Sportshift, and automatic transmissions are all covered in this Information Page.